Tabaka Mission Hospital is one of the leading healthcare facilities in Western Kenya. With an accredited laboratory, a variety of inpatient and outpatient services, and experienced staff we are ready to take care of your health.
Tabaka Mission Hospital is a non-profit making hospital which is owned by Catholic Diocese of Kisii, under the umbrella of the Kenya conference of Catholic Bishops (K.C.C.B). more
It is however run and managed by Trustees Servants of the Sick (Camillians) under the signed Contract of 1st October 1996.
The construction of the hospital began in 1972 with Rev. Fr. Witte (parish priest of Tabaka Catholic Church) spearheading the project.
It was built with financial assistance from Misereor and the Catholic / Diocese of Cremona in Italy. The hospital had a bed capacity of 120 but since then the bed capacity has grown to 260 and with the same bed occupancy.
The hospital was opened in 1973 and recognized by Kenyan Government official; at a time Dr. Moraili and Sr. Luiginaferoni (nurse) were in-charge of the facility. In 1974, the Local Ordinary at that time, Bishop Tiberius C. Mugendi contacted the Bishop of Cremeona with Mons E. Brochieri and the provincial ForsenioVezzani to get the personnel for the hospital. At the same time the Superior General of the Camillian Sisters was also approached to allow the sisters to form the necessary staff for the hospital. After accomplishing all this process, the hospital was revived again with the presence of the Camillians (Servants of the Sick). In 1976 the Camillians got support of Camillian Sisters and regardless of the many challenges and difficulties they assured the late Tiberius of continuity to offer this unique service to humanity.
On 1st day of January 1976, the final paper work was signed and the Camillians took over the business process of the hospital on behalf of the Diocese. Today the hospital has a capacity of 260 beds, with aspiration that by the end of 2018 it will be 300 bed capacity, as plans are underway for expansion. The hospital has running water through out with an extension to supporting the community as a sign to giving back. Power source is stable with an automated generator that backs up the city power. An improve staff compound is in place owing the location of the facility accommodation possess a challenge.
It’s worthy to note that the Hospital is also approved as a learning institution to train qualified nurses. So, it has an established and function school of nursing that has been in existence for Twenty (20) years. Currently it has 130 students undertaking their diploma in nursing studies. The Hospital also receives other students from other institutions for learning such as JKUAT. Who do their clinical lab rotations to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills. The Hospital Lab is a four star and will by fully accredited by 2018.
This is a major milestone, as the facility will now be a referral on lab services within the region of South Nyanza.
Our Mission
Tabaka Mission Hospital is a non-profit catholic organization established to provide affordable, sustainable, holistic healthcare services following the example of Jesus Christ and the Charism of Saint Camillus.
Our Vision
To offer sustainable, comprehensive and holistic healthcare to all, regardless of race, sex, colour or creed.