Locations in Kenya

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- Bomet
- Bungoma
- Busia
- Elgeyo-Marakwet
- Embu
- Garissa
- Homa Bay
- Isiolo
- Kajiado
- Kakamega
- Kericho
- Kiambu District
- Kilifi
- Kirinyaga
- Kisii Central
- Kisumu
- Kitui
- Kwale
- Laikipia
- Lamu
- Machakos
- Makueni
- Mandera
- Marsabit
- Meru
- Migori
- Mombasa
- Murang'a
- Mutomo
- Nairobi
- Nakuru
- Nandi
- Narok
- Nyamira
- Nyandarua
- Nyeri
- Samburu
- Siaya
- Taita-Taveta
- Tana River
- Tharaka-Nithi
- Trans Nzoia
- Turkana
- Uasin Gishu
- Vihiga
- Wajir
- West Pokot
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