KEMI was established in April 1981 with funds from the World Bank and the Government of Kenya (GoK). The institute was established based on the recommendations of the National Committee on Education Policies (NCOEP). The purpose of establishing KEMI was to build the capacity of education personnel to enable them deliver education services efficiently and effectively. The Government of Kenya (GoK), development partners and private sector had made a huge investment in education and needed to more
see returns on this investment. The KEMI capacity building program was built along similar programs such as MANTEP now ADEN in Tanzania (1978) and IADAB in Malaysia (1970). Initially, KEMI relied on the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Manchester for capacity development of KEMI training staff. From 1990, mentors such as the UNESCO/BREDA, UNESCO IIEP and Commonwealth Secretariat helped in the capacity development of KEMI staff trainers. More recently, USAID and VVOB have helped build the capacity of the institute. KEMI was initially located at Kenyatta University. It was relocated to the former Highridge Teachers Training College in Parklands, in 2006
Well managed education institutions.
Quality Policy Statement
KEMI is committed to improving quality of education by enhancing capacity of education managers through effective and efficient training, research and consultancy services.
In order to achieve this objective and help our customers develop their competencies and capacity, we shall continually improve the quality management system based on ISO 9001:2008.
Quality objectives shall be determined, reviewed and realized as a way of achieving this policy.
This policy will be reviewed and revised periodically in line with changing management practices, Kenya Education Management Institute's needs and customer requirements and to meet the regulatory requirements.
To provide quality capacity building services through Education and management training, research and consultancy services for long life empowerment of our stakeholders.