We are a bunch of people dedicated to one thing and one thing only: building a world where every child has an equal opportunity.
plumbing in fresh water. Sometimes it means providing malaria preventions.
Imagine you’re playing Scrabble, staring at your tiles. And you’re doing well. You have a five letter word. But you keep reshuffling the letters. You just know that there’s a bigger and better way to use them. There’s a longer word there, you can feel it in your kneecaps. And you feel like you’re clever enough to find it.
You tip all the letters face down onto the table, shuffle them, pick them up again. You shut your eyes, rub them, open them and look at the rack with fresh eyes. Suddenly you see it; that 50-point 7-letter word. The game changer. And you can’t wait to show the friends you’re playing with because they are going to love it. And it’s going to open up more places for them to play their own words.
That flash of inspiration you get from looking at things differently is what Child.org is.
It’s asking the question in a slightly different way. It is the surprising lightbulb moment that you always suspected was there but that perhaps others weren’t looking for. It’s the person who turns up late and suggests the obvious answer to the issue everyone else has been debating for hours.
Creativity comes from looking at things with positivity. For Child.org, every obstacle is always an opportunity to find an exciting new approach.
Whatever it is, we examine the evidence and we do what works.