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Cappa and D'alberto Plc
1 reviews
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  • Cappa and D'alberto Plc Employee Reviews

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    1 reviews
    • March 23, 2018
      (Current employee)

    • Pros

      The company gets lots of big building contract jobs from big corporations, banks, multinationals and rich private individuals every year so they are very busy and never out of job contracts. Pensions and taxes are remitted promptly. Health insurance, medical treatment also functional in place. Being a big corporation, they dont like negative attention that could smear their names and get them in trouble with the government.

    • Cons

      The salary being paid to workers especially graduates and skilled workforce is very very low. They hire a lot of expatriates who are well paid in dollars and well taken care of in terms of accommodation, feeding, transportation with company care, travelling and leave allowances all expenses paid but local Nigerian workers do not enjoy the same benefits but are treated unfairly, poorly, inhumanly and without regard for labour laws. There exists a workers union but they are very easily and always bribed by the management to keep quiet when workers are being owed, sacked or treated unfairly. Site managers and Project managers always and easily discredit the effort of graduate staff and take all the glory for the work done, as well as the bonus and benefits from site work but whenever there is a delay or a mistake, they are very quick to push faults and put blames on the same people they discredit and complain about all the time. Then you start getting threats of sack and pay off even when false accusations have been made and no one has been called to question or queried or any investigations being carried out. The company does not allow for career growth as one can be in the same position for many years without promotion or evaluation. Their payment structure is irregular and not transparent so there are unexplained deductions from salaries every month. There is no definitive work culture. Only the game of politics and loyalty to managers and ogas is how one gets to go very far in the company. Meaning that no matter how hard one works for so many years, if your manager or boss doesnt like your face or if you dont show loyalty to him by doing what he tells you to even when its wrong, you wont stay very long in the company.

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  • About Cappa and D'alberto Plc

  • Industry

    Building / Construction

  • Type

    Privately Held  

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    • Work/Life balance
    • 1
    • Job Security
    • 1
    • Management
    • 2
    • Work Culture
    • 2
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