Account Officer Salaries at Leadway Pensure, Nigeria
The average net salary for Account Officer at Leadway Pensure, Nigeria is ₦132K. Salary estimated from 1 employee
- Average Salary ₦132K per month
- Base Salary₦132K
- Cash Bonus (0 employee)₦0
- Profit Sharing (0 employee)₦0
- Sales Commission (0 employee)₦0
- Accommodation (0 employee)₦0
Entry Level Salary for Account Officer at Leadway Pensure, Nigeria
- (0 - 2 years experience)
- 1 employee
₦132K -
Mid Level Salary for Account Officer at Leadway Pensure, Nigeria
- (3 - 9 years experience)
- 0 employee
Nil -
Senior Level Salary for Account Officer at Leadway Pensure, Nigeria
- (experience - 10 years & above)
- 0 employee
Who is a Account Officer?
An account officer is a certified professional who deals with all finance-related activities of a business. They help maintain business transactions, keep records of the transaction as well as handle the government statutes regulations relevant to the business.
Duties of an Account Officer
- Manages the financial bookkeeping of a business or organization..
- invoice processing
- Keep track and take care of accounts payable and receivable
- Billing and tracking business expenses
- Review and Verify Financial Documents
Bsc in Account, Marketing, Business Administration or relevant field
- Financial acumen
- Organization
- Openness
- Time management
- Adaptability
- Communication
Common Account Officer Interview Questions
- What are the types of Lease we have in accounting?
- How and When to prepare bank reconciliation statement?
- If you are hired for this job, describe your strategy for the next 90 days.
- A customer calls you and says that they were overcharged for a transaction. How do you handle the situation?
- Can you tell me about a time when you had tight deadlines and needed to prioritize some accounts over others? How did you handle the situation?
- Can you tell me about your experience with data entry and accounting software?

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