Medical Sales Representative Salaries in Kenya
The average net salary for Medical Sales Representative in Kenya is KSh 47K. Salary estimated from 6 employees
- Average Salary KSh 47K per month
- Base SalaryKSh 47K
- Cash Bonus (9 employees)KSh 7K
- Profit Sharing (3 employees)KSh 2K
- Sales Commission (13 employees)KSh 11K
- Accommodation (3 employees)KSh 9K
Entry Level Salary for Medical Sales Representative in Kenya
- (0 - 2 years experience)
- 3 employees
KSh 32K -
Mid Level Salary for Medical Sales Representative in Kenya
- (3 - 9 years experience)
- 3 employees
KSh 63K -
Senior Level Salary for Medical Sales Representative in Kenya
- (experience - 10 years & above)
- 0 employee
Who is a Medical Sales Representative?
A medical sales representative is someone who promotes pharmaceutical drugs or medical equipment and other company products. They are the key point of contact between pharmaceutical and medical companies and healthcare professionals.
If you are a person with potential of convincing people with your interpersonal and communicational skills and you are experienced in the pharmaceutical and medical fields then this type of job is for you.
Duties of A Medical Sales Representative
- Demonstrating or presenting products to healthcare staff including doctors, nurses and pharmacists.
- Organizing appointments and meetings with community- and hospital-based healthcare staff
- Meeting both the business and scientific needs of healthcare professionals
- Maintaining detailed records
- Reviewing sales performance.
Medical Sales Representative Qualification
Bachelors Degree in life sciences, pharmacy, medicine, nursing or dentistry.
Medical Sales Representative Skills
- Commercial awareness
- Sales skills
- Organizational skills
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills
Medical Sales Representative Interview Questions
- Who do you think our clients are and what would you suggest to increase our market share?
- What Are The Challenges In Being A Pharmaceutical Sales Person?
- How would you sell one of our products to a potential customer who uses a competitor’s product?
- How You Can Convince A Physician To Switch To Your Drug?
- When do you stop pursuing a client? Why?
- Explain Why Pharma Sales Is Different Than Other Sales?
- Have you ever failed to reach a sales quota? What happened and what did you learn from the experience?

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