Medical Doctor Salaries in Kenya
The average net salary for Medical Doctor in Kenya is KSh 171K. Salary estimated from 24 employees
- Average Salary KSh 171K per month
- Base SalaryKSh 171K
- Cash Bonus (28 employees)KSh 1.87M
- Profit Sharing (14 employees)KSh 4.65M
- Sales Commission (13 employees)KSh 1.24M
- Accommodation (16 employees)KSh 705.28M
Entry Level Salary for Medical Doctor in Kenya
- (0 - 2 years experience)
- 9 employees
KSh 132K -
Mid Level Salary for Medical Doctor in Kenya
- (3 - 9 years experience)
- 12 employees
KSh 176K -
Senior Level Salary for Medical Doctor in Kenya
- (experience - 10 years & above)
- 3 employees
KSh 266K
Who is a Medical Doctor?
A medical doctor is a physician who works in a hospital, clinic, medical center, or private practice. They treat people for illnesses and injuries and also prescribe medications, order diagnostic tests, diagnose ailments, and record patient information.
Duties of a Medical Doctor
- Examining patients physically and taking down their medical and personal history.
- Create Treatment Plans
- Offer excellent patient care.
- Safeguarding the rights of patients undergoing treatment under them.
- Train and oversee Medical Social Workers and health staff in health facilities.
Medical Doctor Qualifications
Bachelor’s degree in medicine, complete medical school, gets a medical license, and maybe obtains certification in a specialty area.
Medical Doctor Skills
- Good practical skills
- Effective decision-making skills.
- Analytical ability
- Communication skills
- Ability to work long hours, often under pressure
- Ability to solve problems.
- Compassion and a good bedside manner.
Medical Doctor Interview Questions
- What is your ability to face the challenges both medical and personal?
- Do you as a doctor have any preferences?
- What is your routine on a daily basis?
- How do you handle emergencies and the workload?
- What is your professional experience as a doctor?

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