Marketing Officer Salaries in Kenya
The average net salary for Marketing Officer in Kenya is KSh 45K. Salary estimated from 52 employees
- Average Salary KSh 45K per month
- Base SalaryKSh 45K
- Cash Bonus (26 employees)KSh 4K
- Profit Sharing (16 employees)KSh 8K
- Sales Commission (26 employees)KSh 5K
- Accommodation (16 employees)KSh 30K
Entry Level Salary for Marketing Officer in Kenya
- (0 - 2 years experience)
- 19 employees
KSh 33K -
Mid Level Salary for Marketing Officer in Kenya
- (3 - 9 years experience)
- 27 employees
KSh 48K -
Senior Level Salary for Marketing Officer in Kenya
- (experience - 10 years & above)
- 6 employees
KSh 66K
Who is a Marketing Officer?
A marketing officer is one who oversees the company’s marketing campaigns both internally and externally and plays a key part in communicating the organizations marketing message to customers.
Duties of the Marketing Officer
- Research and analyses market trends, competitor offerings, demographics, and other information that affects marketing strategies
- Creating marketing campaigns and working with the company's external PR agency to see them executed.
- Planning and managing marketing events and evaluating their success.
- Contributing to the annual sales and marketing plan.
- Maintains the department's budget and ensures all marketing activities are cost-effective
Advanced Degree in Marketing, Business, or a Related Field
- In-Depth Research and Analysis
- Big-Picture Thinking
- Effective Communication
- Financial Knowledge
- Client Relationships
Common Marketing Officer Interview Questions
- What has been the most disappointing incident in your career? How did you overcome it? And what steps have you taken to ensure it’s not repeated?
- How can you support the organization to solve the marketing challenges it is currently facing?
- How can you get company product across to client through media?
- Tell me when you had a hard time convincing senior management about an idea
- Tell me when you personally led to the growth or success of a projec

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