What is the average salary of employees in Kenya? How are employees paid in Kenya? Which counties pay high in Kenya; which professions have the least/highest salaries in Kenya?
All these are questions that will be specifically answered in this article based on over 26k employee salary report from our database in Kenya. Also, you will learn more about using salary tools to determine the salary for specific occupations.
The minimum wage in Kenya currently is 13,572ksh which has been in effect since 2018; and employees earn an average of 64,000ksh monthly. However, these salaries vary based on occupation, gender, location, education experience and more. For example, people living in urban areas earn more than those living in rural areas. Continue reading for more information…
Average Salary for Different Professions in Kenya
These salaries based on professions will help you position yourself better in choosing your career path. Here is the outlook of average monthly salaries of various professions in Kenya.

From the image above you can see that Aviation/Airline, building and construction are the highest paying professions in Kenya, while consultancy followed suit. You will also notice that the banking sector is not left behind among the top paid, so despite being overworked, employees in the banking sector are well compensated in Kenya. Surprisingly, Non-profit organization salary is also ringing a bell.
Unfortunately, teaching, customer care, and science professions are the lowest paid in the country.
I guess knowing the salaries of these professions will better make you take the right decision as regards career path.
Salaries by Location; Top 10 Counties with the Highest Salaries
There are so many work-related reasons you may want to move, probably because you are a fresh graduate and need to go to a better location, or you need to step up your career, or of course the most important reason (compensation) and remember, like I said at the beginning of this post “salaries vary also by location and cost of living” so if someone can move to a place where he can earn more and spend less, then that is a plus for him.
So to keep you informed about counties where you can earn the most, the image below shows the top ten counties in Kenya with the highest pay.

Kirinyaga, Nyandarua and Murang’a has the lowest salaries being 29000, 30000 and 32000 ksh respectively.
How to find out the Average Salaries for Different Job Titles / Importance of Salary Tool.
Knowing what you should expect while trying to choose a career or searching for a job is useful and important as it will help you while negotiating salary. It is also necessary to know how to ask for a raise from your current boss. Also, if you know the average salary of other employees in the same field and location, you can use it to prove why you need a raise.
To find out the average salary for a particular job in your company and location of interest, you can use mysalaryscale tool which will provide you with free personalized salary estimates based on the market rate, give you detailed information about companies, and allow you see what employees are saying about the company. It still doesn’t end there; the tool will also let you know if you are highly paid or underpaid and give you advice on how to ask for a raise.
The data above is based on over 26,000 entries in the past months from different employees working in different organizations in Kenya and it was last updated in August, 2019. Our data for each country are based on all entries from all cities in that country.
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